home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- FlashGot - a Firefox extension for external download managers integration
- Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Giorgio Maone - g.maone@informaction.com
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
- const g_rxOpt=/^(inv|)opt-(.*)/;
- var g_downloadManagers = null;
- var g_opts = null;
- var g_extList = null;
- var g_extText = null;
- var g_referrerRadio = null;
- var g_referrerText = null;
- var g_tmpDir = null;
- var g_wellGetPath = null;
- var g_cust = gFlashGotService && {
- dummy: gFlashGotService.createCustomDM(""),
- map: {},
- createEntry: function(obj, isNew) {
- if(!obj.custom) return null;
- const name=obj.name;
- const map=this.map;
- return map[name] ? map[name]
- : map[name]={
- _dirty: false,
- _deleted: false,
- _new: isNew,
- supported: true,
- name: name,
- argsTemplate: obj.argsTemplate,
- exeFile: isNew?obj.locateExeFile(name):obj.exeFile
- };
- },
- get current() {
- if(!g_downloadManagers.selectedItem) return null;
- const dmName=g_downloadManagers.selectedItem.getAttribute("label");
- if( (!dmName) || dmName=="---") return null;
- var dm = gFlashGotService.DMS[dmName];
- if(dm) {
- return this.createEntry(dm,false);
- }
- this.dummy.name=dmName;
- return this.createEntry(this.dummy,true);
- },
- add: function() {
- const ps = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"
- ].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService);
- const ret={ value: "" };
- const title=gFlashGotService.getString("custom.new.title");
- var name;
- if(ps.prompt(window,
- title,
- gFlashGotService.getString("custom.new.text"),
- ret, null, {}) &&
- (name = ret.value) ) {
- if(/,|^(?:\d+|\s+|---)$/.test(name) ||
- gFlashGotService.DMS[name] || this.map[name]) {
- ps.alert(window,title,gFlashGotService.getString("custom.new.error"));
- return;
- }
- const dummy = this.dummy;
- dummy.name = name;
- this.createEntry(dummy, true);
- fgo_populateDMS(name);
- }
- },
- remove: function() {
- var dm=this.current;
- if(dm) {
- dm._deleted=true;
- fgo_populateDMS();
- }
- },
- locateExe: function() {
- const cur=this.current;
- if(cur) {
- var f=this.dummy.locateExeFile(this.current.name);
- if(f) {
- cur.exeFile=f;
- cur._dirty=true;
- }
- this.syncUI();
- }
- }
- ,
- argsChanged: function(txtArgs) {
- const cur=this.current;
- var val=txtArgs.value.replace(/['"`]/g,'');
- if(val!=txtArgs.value) {
- document.getElementById("quoteWarn").showPopup(txtArgs,-1, -1, "tooltip", "topleft", "bottomleft");
- selEnd=txtArgs.selectionEnd;
- txtArgs.value=val;
- try {
- txtArgs.selectionEnd=selEnd-1;
- } catch(ex) {}
- }
- if(cur && cur.argsTemplate!=val) {
- cur.argsTemplate=val;
- cur._dirty=true;
- }
- }
- ,
- syncUI: function() {
- var dm = this.current;
- document.getElementById("dmsdeck").setAttribute(
- "selectedIndex", dm ? "0" : "1");
- if(dm) {
- document.getElementById("customDM-exeFile").value =
- dm.exeFile ? dm.exeFile.path : "";
- document.getElementById("customDM-args").value = dm.argsTemplate;
- var ph=document.getElementById("ph-");
- var popup=ph.parentNode;
- while(ph.nextSibling) {
- popup.removeChild(ph.nextSibling);
- }
- const PHS=this.dummy.PLACEHOLDERS;
- if(PHS) {
- var phName;
- for(var j=0, len=PHS.length; j<len; j++) {
- phName=PHS[j];
- ph=ph.cloneNode(true);
- ph.removeAttribute("hidden");
- ph.setAttribute("id","ph-"+phName);
- ph.setAttribute("label",gFlashGotService.getString("ph."+phName));
- popup.appendChild(ph);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ,
- insertPH: function(id) {
- const phName="["+id.substring(3)+"]";
- const txtArgs=document.getElementById("customDM-args")
- var selStart=txtArgs.selectionStart;
- var selEnd=txtArgs.selectionEnd;
- txtArgs.value=txtArgs.value.substring(0,selStart)+phName+txtArgs.value.substring(selEnd);
- txtArgs.selectionStart=txtArgs.selectionEnd=selStart+phName.length;
- }
- ,
- save: function() {
- const map=this.map;
- var dm,target;
- for(var name in map) {
- dm=map[name];
- target=null;
- if(dm._deleted) {
- gFlashGotService.removeCustomDM(name);
- } else if(dm._new) {
- target = gFlashGotService.createCustomDM(name);
- } else if(dm._dirty) {
- target = gFlashGotService.DMS[name];
- }
- if(target) {
- target.argsTemplate=dm.argsTemplate;
- target.exeFile=dm.exeFile;
- }
- }
- }
- };
- function fgo_onload() {
- if(!gFlashGotService) {
- document.getElementById("mainTabbox").setAttribute("hidden","true");
- document.getElementById("badInstall").removeAttribute("hidden");
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(document
- .getElementById("flashgotOptions"),"dlgtype","cancel")
- .setAttribute("hidden","true");
- return;
- }
- if (!gFlashGotService.smUninstaller) {
- document.documentElement.getButton("extra2").hidden = true;
- }
- try {
- g_wellGetPath = gFlashGotService.prefs.getComplexValue("WellGet.path", Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
- document.getElementById("wellget-text").value = g_wellGetPath.path;
- } catch(ex) {}
- if(gFlashGotService.mailer) {
- // Thunderbird will handle "simple" clicks through Firefox
- document.getElementById("tab-downloads").setAttribute("collapsed","true");
- }
- g_downloadManagers = document.getElementById("downloadManagers");
- g_opts = document.getElementsByTagName("checkbox");
- fgo_populateDMS();
- var j,len;
- g_extList = document.getElementById("ext-list");
- g_extText = document.getElementById("ext-text");
- g_extList.removeItemAt(0);
- for each(var e in gFlashGotService.extensions) {
- if (e) g_extList.appendItem(e, e);
- }
- fgo_visitCheckboxes(
- function(prefName,inverse,checkbox) {
- var val=gFlashGotService.getPref(prefName);
- checkbox.checked=inverse?!val:val;
- }
- );
- g_referrerRadio=document.getElementById("referrer-radio");
- g_referrerText=document.getElementById("referrer-text");
- g_referrerRadio.selectedIndex=gFlashGotService.getPref("autoReferrer") ? 0 : 1;
- g_referrerText.value=gFlashGotService.getPref("fakeReferrer","");
- fgo_syncReferrer();
- g_referrerRadio.addEventListener("select", fgo_syncReferrer, true);
- g_downloadManagers.addEventListener("popuphidden", fgo_syncDMOptions, true);
- try {
- g_tmpDir = gFlashGotService.prefs.getComplexValue("tmpDir", Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
- } catch(ex) {
- g_tmpDir = gFlashGotService.tmpDir.parent;
- }
- if(g_tmpDir) {
- document.getElementById("tmpdir-text").value =g_tmpDir.path;
- }
- document.getElementById("interception-rg").selectedItem=
- document.getElementById("intercept"+
- (gFlashGotService.getPref("interceptAll")?"All":"Ext")+"-radio");
- }
- function fgo_populateDMS(name) {
- const defaultDM = gFlashGotService.defaultDM;
- const dms = gFlashGotService.DMS;
- const dmList = [].concat(gFlashGotService.DMS);
- const map = g_cust.map;
- var dm;
- for(p in map) {
- dm=map[p];
- if( ! (dm._deleted || p in dms) ) {
- dmList.push(map[p]);
- }
- }
- if(!name) name = defaultDM;
- var j, len, menuItem;
- g_downloadManagers.removeAllItems();
- g_downloadManagers.selectedItem=null;
- var custom;
- var found=false;
- for(j = 0, len=dmList.length; j<len; j++) {
- dm=dmList[j];
- if((custom=g_cust.createEntry(dm,false)) && custom._deleted) {
- continue;
- }
- menuItem = g_downloadManagers.appendItem(dm.name,dm.codeName);
- if(dm.supported) {
- if(!found) {
- found = (name == dm.name);
- if(found || !g_downloadManagers.selectedItem) {
- g_downloadManagers.selectedItem=menuItem;
- }
- }
- } else {
- if(!dm.shouldList()) menuItem.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- }
- }
- if(g_downloadManagers.selectedItem) {
- document.getElementById("nodms").setAttribute("collapsed","true");
- } else {
- g_downloadManagers.selectedItem=g_downloadManagers.appendItem("---",null);
- document.getElementById("nodms").removeAttribute("collapsed");
- }
- fgo_syncDMOptions();
- }
- function fgo_interceptionSelected(rg) {
- document.getElementById('extensions-box').style.visibility=
- rg.selectedItem && rg.selectedItem.id=='interceptAll-radio' ? "hidden":"visible";
- }
- function fgo_syncDMOptions() {
- const dmrx = g_downloadManagers.value ?
- new RegExp("\\b" + g_downloadManagers.value + "\\b")
- :null;
- const dmopts = document.getElementsByAttribute("class", "dm-opt");
- var dmid, dmopt;
- for(var j = dmopts.length; j-->0;) {
- dmopt = dmopts[j];
- if(dmrx) {
- dmid = dmopt.id;
- if(dmid) {
- dmopt.setAttribute("hidden", dmid.match(dmrx) ? "false" : "true" );
- }
- } else {
- dmopt.setAttribute("hidden", "true" );
- }
- }
- var dmName = fgo_currentDmName();
- document.getElementById("shownInContextMenu").checked = dmName && ((dmName in shownInContextMenu)
- ? shownInContextMenu[dmName] : gFlashGotService.DMS[dmName].shownInContextMenu);
- g_cust.syncUI();
- }
- function fgo_syncReferrer() {
- if(g_referrerRadio.selectedIndex == 1) {
- g_referrerText.removeAttribute("disabled");
- } else {
- g_referrerText.setAttribute("disabled","true");
- }
- }
- function fgo_enable(id,enabled) {
- var b=document.getElementById(id);
- if(enabled) {
- b.removeAttribute("disabled");
- } else {
- b.setAttribute("disabled","true");
- }
- }
- function fgo_extText_changed() {
- var enable;
- var value = g_extText.value;
- try {
- if((!g_extText.disabled) &&
- /^[\w\-]+$/.test(value)) {
- enable = true;
- for(var j = g_extList.getRowCount();
- j-- >0 && (enable = g_extList.getItemAtIndex(j).value != value)
- ;);
- } else {
- enable = false;
- }
- } catch(e) {
- dump(e + "\n" + j + "\n");
- }
- fgo_enable("ext-add-button", enable);
- }
- function fgo_extList_changed() {
- fgo_enable("ext-remove-button", g_extList.selectedCount > 0);
- fgo_extText_changed();
- }
- function fgo_ext_add() {
- if (g_extList.getRowCount()) {
- g_extList.insertItemAt(0, g_extText.value, g_extText.value);
- } else {
- g_extList.appendItem(g_extText.value, g_extText.value);
- }
- fgo_extText_changed();
- }
- function fgo_ext_remove() {
- const selectedItems=g_extList.selectedItems;
- for(var j = selectedItems.length; j-->0;) {
- g_extList.removeItemAt(g_extList.getIndexOfItem(selectedItems[j]));
- }
- }
- function fgo_currentDmName() {
- var dmName;
- return g_downloadManagers.selectedItem && (dmName = g_downloadManagers.selectedItem.getAttribute("label"))
- && gFlashGotService.DMS[dmName] && gFlashGotService.DMS[dmName].supported && dmName || null;
- }
- function fgo_save() {
- if(!gFlashGotService) return true;
- fgo_visitCheckboxes(
- function(prefName,inverse,checkbox) {
- gFlashGotService.setPref(prefName,inverse ?! checkbox.checked : checkbox.checked);
- }
- );
- g_cust.save();
- var dmName;
- for(dmName in shownInContextMenu) {
- gFlashGotService.DMS[dmName].shownInContextMenu = shownInContextMenu[dmName];
- }
- dmName = fgo_currentDmName();
- if(dmName) {
- gFlashGotService.defaultDM = dmName;
- }
- const extensions = [];
- for(var j = g_extList.getRowCount(); j-- > 0;) {
- try {
- extensions.push(g_extList.getItemAtIndex(j).value);
- } catch(e) {
- dump(e + "\n" + j + "\n");
- }
- }
- gFlashGotService.extensions = extensions;
- gFlashGotService.setPref("autoReferrer",g_referrerRadio.value=="true");
- gFlashGotService.setPref("fakeReferrer",g_referrerText.value);
- if(g_tmpDir) gFlashGotService.prefs.setComplexValue("tmpDir", Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile, g_tmpDir);
- gFlashGotService.setPref("interceptAll",document.getElementById("interceptAll-radio").selected);
- try {
- if(g_wellGetPath) {
- gFlashGotService.prefs.setComplexValue("WellGet.path", Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile, g_wellGetPath);
- } else {
- if(gFlashGotService.prefs.prefHasUserValue("WellGet.path")) gFlashGotService.prefs.clearUserPref("WellGet.path");
- }
- } catch(ex) {
- dump(ex);
- }
- gFlashGotService.savePrefs();
- return true;
- }
- function fgo_visitCheckboxes(callback) {
- var j,checkbox,match;
- for(j=g_opts.length; j-->0;) {
- checkbox=g_opts[j];
- if((match = checkbox.id.match(g_rxOpt))) {
- callback(match[2],match[1]=="inv",checkbox);
- }
- }
- }
- function fgo_showLog() {
- try {
- flashgotUtil.browse(Components.classes['@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1'
- ].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService
- ).newFileURI(gFlashGotService.logFile).spec, "_blank",
- "scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes,titlebar=yes,resizable=yes");
- } catch(ex) { dump(ex.message); }
- }
- function fgo_clearLog() {
- gFlashGotService.clearLog();
- }
- function fgo_browseTmpDir() {
- const cc=Components.classes;
- const ci=Components.interfaces;
- const fp = cc["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance(ci.nsIFilePicker);
- const title="FlashGot - "+document.getElementById("tmpdir-label").value;
- fp.init(window, title, ci.nsIFilePicker.modeGetFolder);
- try {
- fp.displayDirectory = g_tmpDir == null ? gFlashGotService.tmpDir.parent : g_tmpDir;
- } catch (ex) { gFlashGotService.log(ex); }
- fp.appendFilters(ci.nsIFilePicker.filterAll);
- if (fp.show()==ci.nsIFilePicker.returnOK) {
- g_tmpDir = fp.file.QueryInterface(ci.nsILocalFile);
- document.getElementById("tmpdir-text").value = g_tmpDir.path;
- document.getElementById("tmpdir-warning").style.visibility="visible";
- }
- }
- function fgo_browseWellGet(reset) {
- if(reset) {
- g_wellGetPath = null;
- document.getElementById("wellget-text").value = "";
- return;
- }
- const cc=Components.classes;
- const ci=Components.interfaces;
- const fp = cc["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance(ci.nsIFilePicker);
- const title="FlashGot - "+document.getElementById("wellget-label").value;
- fp.init(window, title, ci.nsIFilePicker.modeOpen);
- fp.appendFilters(ci.nsIFilePicker.filterApps);
- if(!g_wellGetPath) {
- g_wellGetPath = gFlashGotService.profDir.clone();
- g_wellGetPath.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile)
- .initWithPath(g_wellGetPath.path.substring(0,3));
- g_wellGetPath.append("WellGet.exe");
- }
- try {
- fp.displayDirectory = g_wellGetPath.parent;
- fp.defaultString = g_wellGetPath.leafName;
- } catch (ex) { gFlashGotService.log(ex); }
- if (fp.show() == ci.nsIFilePicker.returnOK) {
- var f = fp.file.QueryInterface(ci.nsILocalFile);
- if(!(f.exists() && f.isExecutable() &&
- f.path.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() ==
- gFlashGotService.profDir.path.substring(0,1).toUpperCase())) {
- Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService)
- .alert(window, "FlashGot / WellGet",
- gFlashGotService.getString("wellget.mustBeSameDrive",
- [gFlashGotService.profDir.path.substring(0,1)]));
- return;
- }
- g_wellGetPath = f;
- document.getElementById("wellget-text").value = f.path;
- gFlashGotService.DMS["WellGet"]._supported = null;
- }
- }
- var shownInContextMenu = {};
- function fgo_shownInContextMenuClicked(cbx) {
- var dmName = fgo_currentDmName();
- if(dmName) shownInContextMenu[dmName] = cbx.checked;
- }
- function fgo_detectNow() {
- gFlashGotService.DMS = gFlashGotService.checkDownloadManagers(true, true);
- fgo_populateDMS();
- }